Сrossroads Sorrow Square, Kolomyia
Chaotic parking, pedestrians taking a shortcut and crossing the pavement diagonally, unsettled cyclists, lack of a defined path for traffic, these are just some of the problems with this space!
In our concept, we tried to show how to reorganize this space based on modern urban approaches. By significantly reducing and optimizing the size of the intersection, we have gained more space for public space and landscaping. Clearly separate the flow of cars, pedestrians, and cyclists, and make the space more comfortable and safe. We have allocated space for legal parking.
In these situations, it is also important to recall the effect of Urban Heat Island, literally - a heating space in the city. We are talking about the fact that such a large plane of dark color in the summer especially strongly concentrates and emits heat, thereby increasing the temperature in the city by several degrees (studies show a temperature difference in some cases from +3 to +10 degrees Celsius!).
Other works
New Lviv
Parkova Dolyna
Krubeton sales office
Museum of oil industry
Observation deck
Our experience in designing a low-rise residential block in the Wroclaw suburbs
Обговорення проєкту облаштування території у смт. Східниця - "Східницька Мандрівка"
Victory in the competition for the concept of the park-museum complex "Skhidnytska trip"
Lewisham Gateway. Приклади житлової нерухомості - Лондон
Cornmill Gardens. Приклади житлової нерухомості - Лондон